The fire of friendship lives in our hearts. As long as it burns, we cannot drift apart. Though quarrels arise, their numbers are few. Laughter and singing will see us through. We are a circle of pony friends. A circle of friends we'll be to the very end. Long live Friendship ! Long live Equestria ! Long live Magic !
前半段的冗长与沉闷几乎毁了这部电影好莱坞动画开始走黑童话风格了在这个既黑暗又治愈系的成人童话里他们开始诉说世界的真相人性的黑森林试验场充满着听话愿望孤独探索抛弃分离等关键词复仇旧爱电影还有不愿长大的会犯错误缺乏沟通的父母没错这就是生活的真相或寓言“but no one is alone”三星